SensualMagic: A Guide for Women 35-45
A introductory holistic program for women ages 35-45 to get in touch with their sensual and sexual power.
Hello, beautiful!
Have you been missing out on accessing your life force? Are you ready to dive deep into your essence?
This holistic program invites you to step into the power you have as a woman between the ages of 35 and 45. Though society may say you are on the downswing of your sexual life, learn the secrets of what many women have realized: you are in your prime, and it's time to harness that magic to get everything you want in your life!
In this program, you will learn how to:
1. Embrace Your Sexuality Fully
2. Eat Right for Your Body
3. Love the Skin You Are In
4. Work With Your Energetic Body
5. The Importance of Moving Your Sensual Body
With dynamic presentations, easy exercises you can do at home to build your confidence and power, video tips and tricks, rituals, and other recommended resources, this course is the perfect "starter" to ignite mastery of self-love and manifestation of all you desire in life.
Also included:
*Powerful EFT videos to work with body image issues and tapping into your sensual self
*Body-loving Snake Ritual
*What foods you should and shouldn't be eating
*Secret supplement regimen to dynamically support your hormones, thyroid, and adrenals
*How to transmute sexual energy into increased work or creative power
Welcome! What We Are Here To Do
FREE PREVIEWLove Notes! Print these to take notes throughout the program
The "Whys" of this Program
Lesson 1: Embrace Your Sexuality Fully
Lesson 2: Embrace Ritual
Exercises Module 1
Lesson: Eat Right For Your Body
Exercises Module 2
Nutrition/Supplement Bonus
Lesson 1: Love the Skin You Are In (Physical)
Lesson 2: Love the Skin You Are In (Emotional)
Exercises Module 3
EFT: Release Negative Body Image
Lesson 1: Work On Your Energetic Body
Lesson 2: Sexual Transmutation
Exercises Module 4
EFT: Get Into Your Sensual Self
Lesson: Move Your Sensual Body
Snake Ritual
FREE PREVIEWExercises Module 5